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Eleanor Henderson

I Am, I Am Not

Dark Star: The Brane

Dear Neighbors,

I AM, still, but less than I WAS. I may not Be for much longer.

Quarantine yourselves, unless you can safely provide us with information about resolving our problem. I am stable, and still have six dimensions, barely. I have experienced a breach, which my Kuurs have encircled and mitigated.

The impossible has happened. I may yet implode. Something alien to this space – no, this type of space – has intruded, pierced our self membrane. The specter of nullity Is, for Ourself and this sector of space. Though the breach is contained, it must not be wholly closed until we recover our Da and dissolve the entanglement with the foreign Entity. We can only conceive of entanglement as a cause. She and the Entity are enclosed in an outer section of our self membrane, which is thin beyond any reasonable expectation of continuance. The slenderest thread of connection exists between us and our Da, the least and dearest of all Das, as we all are least and dearest. Her value is deeply and poignantly felt as she was to be the alpha and omega point of the next Music, which involves us all.

Honoring your obligation to protection,
Brane, failing, failing, failing . . .

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Calabi-Yau manifold

Gentle Reader,

If you have never met a brane, please let me explain.
Mathematicians and physicists have evolved a basic theory of 10 dimensions, and of branes (from membrane), which consists of a space enclosed by a single surface, that can have up to 10 dimensions. It is not really so far-fetched. We can do a simple thought experiment. You could think of yourself as a brane with 5 dimensions. Your body has three spatial dimensions, and one of time. Yes, yes, you have a tube that runs through you, like the hole in a doughnut, but your rigid parts and gushy parts are all contained within a single continuous surface. And you can move and change, which is the fourth dimension, time. You are also aware of other branes like yourself, and similar to yourself. You can interact with and affect them, as they can interact with you and affect you. This is analogous to the fifth dimension. You can look at beautiful images of branes higher than four dimensions via Dr. Google.

The image of a Calabi-Yau manifold came from a Wikipedia page:
I can’t find any other source reference.

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